Love Poured Out.
The Outpouring Adoption Ministry
The Outpouring Church is thrilled to share the launch of a new ministry, Love Poured Out. It is the mission of this ministry to make Christ known through the beauty and joy of adoption. Just as every believer has been adopted into “sonship” through Jesus Christ (Gal 4:5), we want to do our part in helping to place children with a loving mother and father in a committed marriage who will lead them to their Heavenly Father.
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About Love Poured Out
While many families are willing to face the waiting time and the swinging emotions of the adoption process, it is often the monetary cost of finalizing an adoption that proves the most difficult hurdle to overcome. Therefore, we seek to offer financial assistance to qualifying adoptive Christian families towards the cost of domestic adoption. And the great news is that we’ve already begun to help some families in their adoption journey.
The vision of this ministry came through the burdened hearts of local businessmen and women praying for a way to help more children who need forever families be adopted into safe, godly homes. It was quickly realized that they needed the support of a local church and dedicated pastor for this to become a reality. Pastor Larry and Tiffany Evans were approached and asked to partner with this ministry and for it to operate through The Outpouring Church. A diverse and qualified board, each of whom have various experience with adoptions, was selected to oversee the development of financial and spiritual partnerships with families seeking to adopt. This ministry will operate under the oversight of The Outpouring Church and will hold to its tenets of faith.
If any family is interested in applying for this grant, reach out to us to get started. Be prepared to provide testimonies, references, and financial information. And as stewards of these funds, the board of directors of this ministry will prayerfully select families to partner with who are committed to raising children to walk in relationship with Christ.
Our Mission
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. ~ James 1:27