
Our adoption of our beautiful baby boy might not have happened without the help of Love Poured Out. Levi’s birthmom first reached out to us in March 2022. She had seen a post that we had made as a last ditch effort to try one more time to adopt. She saw this at the exact moment we posted it, which was also the exact moment that she was praying about what she should do about her pregnancy. She screenshot the post and it says “just now.” She followed us about 2 months before making contact with us.

It was such a beautiful moment meeting her. She invited us into her home and shared her story with us. What came next, was 3 months of connection and deep friendship as we attended obstetrician appointments together and talked daily. Levi was born on my husband’s birthday- and in that moment, I knew that no matter what happened next that God had this story in His capable hands. The process was longer and a little bumpier  than anticipated and has led to more adoption legal fees that we anticipated when planning for our adoption. We were also in the middle of buying a home when we matched with Levi’s birthmom, so we had limited financial resources at the time. But God is SO faithful, and being helped through Love Poured Out was truly a testimony of how faithful that He is! I have met many people who have said that they would adopt if it were not so expensive. I’m so grateful for a program that is willing to help those families. I know and have seen it first hand that where God guides that He will provide. We just have to let go and trust Him!

So be encouraged today! God is always fighting for us even when we can’t see it!!! God is good!!!’

~ Brian, Miranda, and family